Business & Market Development
Malmö, Sweden
Application due: August 31 2024


Director of Market Engagement (packaging materials)

您是否有兴趣开发可持续包装的商业机会 & polymeric materials with retailers, multi-national food & beverage and service brands? Then we have job for you!

你是一名工程师或经济学家,对战略有热情,对营销有天赋吗? 你是否看到了更大的前景,并乐于在消费十大正规网堵平台应用中弥合上游技术与商业价值之间的差距? 

如果您准备将您的经验和网络与营销能力结合起来,我们的营销 & 柏斯托的业务卓越团队正在寻找一名市场参与总监,以开发可持续包装的商业机会 & polymeric materials with retailers, multi-national food & beverage and service brands.

This is who we are

You will be part of our Marketing & Business Excellence team within Perstorp, a front-runner in sustainable chemicals and materials, 致力于提供解决方案,使行业蓬勃发展. With a global presence and a focus on excellence, 我们站在开发尖端化工十大正规网堵平台的最前沿,推动进步,对世界产生积极影响.

柏斯托是一家拥有142年历史的特种化学品供应商. Since 2022 Perstorp is a wholly owned Subsidiary of PCG, 马来西亚领先的综合化学品生产商,在马来西亚拥有多个世界级的生产基地, Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America. 此次收购的主要推动力是柏斯托在可持续发展和技术方面在特种化学品市场的公认地位.


About the position

As a Director of Market Engagement, 你将在先进材料部门和我们的共聚酯解决方案系列的商业成功中发挥关键作用. 这个职位提供了一个令人兴奋的机会来发挥你的市场营销专业知识, 网络和行业知识,以推动增长和建立持久的客户关系.

In this role you will report to the VP of Marketing & Business Excellence, 与先进材料部门和创新部门的同事密切合作, the Business Units heads, Marketing Excellence and Marketing Communications functions, 来自世界各地的销售经理和其他内部利益相关者.

你的主要职责是制定战略性市场参与计划和量身定制的营销策略. 该职位要求能够快速对所关注的行业进行概述和更深入的了解, it's market dynamics and trends, 支持业务优先考虑并推动盈利增长.

What will you do?

Your main tasks, among others, will be:

  • 市场分析:进行全面的市场研究,以确定趋势, opportunities, and challenges within e.g., the retail and food packaging industry
  • 战略规划:制定和执行符合公司目标和收入目标的市场参与战略和活动
  • 十大正规网堵平台定位:定义和完善我们的先进材料组合的定位, ensuring differentiation and value proposition
  • Customer & 价值链参与:与跨职能团队合作,与下游用户进行合作.g., multinational food, beverage and service brands, retailers as well as key customers, understand their needs; and identify potential gaps in our offerings
  • 竞争分析:监控和分析竞争对手的活动, providing insights to inform strategic decisions
  • Sales & 营销材料:确保我们有引人注目和相关的营销材料, 包括演示文稿和数字内容,以吸引关键利益相关者参与e.g., the packaging value chain
  • 为十大正规网堵平台发布和传播项目经理提供内容和指导,以发展市场沟通 & sales materials
  • 战略销售支持:与业务部门发展和销售团队紧密合作,提供市场支持, including training, materials, and value chain engagement initiatives
  • 定义每个地区和细分市场的整体价值主张和进入市场策略
  • 了解并主动解决价值链上相关的可持续发展趋势和需求

Who are you?


  • Have a technical education (e.g. B.Sc. or M.Sc.) or a business education (B.Sc. or M.Sc.)
  • 有B2B2C企业或化工/材料行业的商业和/或技术工作经验, where you have proven your strong business acumen, executive sales- & business development, stakeholder relations, project & 创新管理和跨职能领导经验.
  • 有快速消费品包装行业的经验以及与零售商和食品行业的互动经验 & beverage brands is a plus.
  • Willingness to travel as needed (~ 20%)
  • Fluent in English, both spoken and written

成功的候选人将能够在目标价值链的各个层面建立关系, with commercial, marketing and technical stakeholders. 你应该对购买过程有充分的了解,扎实的技术理解是必不可少的. Entrepreneurial drive, reliability, 职业精神和事必躬亲的心态将是你个性的主要部分.

What can we offer?

  • 在柏斯托,我们用心领导,关心彼此,关心我们周围的世界. Care is core of our company´s value. We want to take responsibility and keep what we promise. We constantly strive to work smarter and better. 如果你认同这些价值观,我们认为你会和我们在一起很开心!如果你已经准备好利用你的背景力量并将其转化为包装和先进材料行业的营销领导, we want to hear from you!

Other information
